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Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Elliston Park to Sky View Ranches

  • Thursday, April 20, 2023 7:35 AM
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Message # 13174667
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This was a very good ride from Elliston Lake.  The bike trail around the lake is gravel but we were on it for a short time before we reached the bike trails.  We stayed on the Rotary Mattermay North trail.  there were a couple of little zig zags but basically the trail is pretty straightforward.  Thee was very little traffic on the trail and a hum from the traffic on Stony Trail.  We stopped for lunch  at Saddleridge (also to fix a flat).  Becasue the weather was chilly we warmed our selves up in Tim Horton's and then returned the same way.  This is an escellent trail.

    Christine Grotefeld                                                                                                                      a

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